Will the DCYF CCAP Provider Support Team have their own email inbox and phone line?

    Yes, the email inbox is: ccap.providers.dcyf@state.mn.us

    Phone number: 651-431-4848

    CCAP Provider Support Specialist will also have their own email and phone number.

    Who will be responsible for provider overpayments?

    Either CCAP agencies or the department may establish and collect provider overpayments, depending on which agency (or agencies) identify and calculate the overpayment

    Do CCAP agencies need to send provider case records/files for provider registrations, renewals, and changes processed by CCAP agencies prior to centralization to DCYF?

    No. CCAP agencies should retain records for past provider registrations, renewals, and changes processed by their agency according to your retention schedule. If DCYF requires past records for specific providers, they will request them from the CCAP agency.

    What kind of provider alerts should registration workers delete before the April 2025 transition?

    Delete any alerts that don’t serve a purpose. This can include any duplicative alerts, alerts you have already acted on, informational alerts that are no loner needed, and alerts from that past that are no longer relevant.

    If an agency receives renewal paperwork and the renewal date has been pushed out into the future what should they do?

    Full Question: Conversion Job One aligned the renewal dates for any provider with multiple active FRA registrations to the latest active renewal date. Since CCAP agencies may have sent out renewal paperwork to providers prior to the Conversion Job One, some providers may return a renewal packet to the agency even if their Next Renewal Date was pushed out. If an agency receives renewal paperwork and the renewal date has been pushed out into the future what should they do? 

    Answer: Process any renewal packets your agency receives, even from providers whose "Next Renewal Date Due" was changed in Conversion Job One. All "Next Renewal Date Due" dates will be aligned again as part of a conversion job that will occur with installation of the other changes in MEC² to implement centralized provider registration before 4/28/2025.

    If processing a renewal for a provider whose Next Renewal Due Date was changed in Conversion Job One, what should the Next Renewal Due Date be?

    The renewal date should be 2 years from the date the renewal is processed. Guidance on how to process renewals has not been changed. See instructions in MEC² User Manual > Provider Management > Changes and Updates > Changes to Registration & Renewal.

    How will providers receive CCAP bills after 4/28/2025?

    After 4/28/2025, if an individual bills one agency or multiple agencies using MEC2 PRO, no changes will occur. The individual will continue to receive bills in MEC2 PRO.

    If an individual currently bills some agencies using MEC2 PRO and some agencies using paper bills, after 4/28/2025, MEC2 will no longer generate any paper bills for the individual. All bills will come through MEC2 PRO. The individual does not need to take any action for this to happen. 

    After 4/28/2025, individuals must bill using either MEC2 PRO or paper bills. If a provider has multiple individuals submitting bills, once one individual is approved for MEC2 PRO billing for their CCAP provider ID, all bills will be sent via MEC2 PRO.

    If an individual is not using MEC2 PRO for any agency on 4/28/2025, they will have the option to send a User Agreement for MEC2 PRO Electronic Billing request to DCYF, either in the Provider Hub or through the CCAP document submission portal.