Will the DCYF CCAP Provider Support Team have their own email inbox and phone line?
Yes, the email inbox is: ccap.providers.dcyf@state.mn.us
CCAP Provider Support Specialist will also have their own email and phone number.
We are currently in the process of determining whether we need a new phone line for providers to contact the CCAP provider support team.
Who will be responsible for provider overpayments?
Either CCAP agencies or the department may establish and collect provider overpayments, depending on which agency (or agencies) identify and calculate the overpayment
Do CCAP agencies need to send provider case records/files for provider registrations, renewals, and changes processed by CCAP agencies prior to centralization to DCYF?
No. CCAP agencies should retain records for past provider registrations, renewals, and changes processed by their agency according to your retention schedule. If DCYF requires past records for specific providers, they will request them from the CCAP agency.