Child Support Strategic Framework - Professional Audience

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We need your input!

Minnesota child support agencies help children get the support they deserve by working with parents, nonparent caretakers, employers, government agencies and other states. The child support program is completing a strategic framework to guide its direction from 2024 to 2027. As someone who works families receiving child services, your input can help make the framework a success:

This input opportunity page is designed for child support professionals including:

  • Tribal and county child support workers
  • Tribal and county social service administrators and board members
  • Tribal and county attorneys providing representation on child support cases
  • Child support magistrates and court staff involved in child support
  • State of Minnesota employees such as those in the Child Support Division at the Department of Human Services or supporting child support IT systems at MNIT and others who work closely with the child support program

Strategic framework

A strategic framework will provide high level direction to the Child Support program. The completed framework will include:

  • Trends affecting the program and feedback from program participants and partners.
  • Vision, mission and values statements
  • Goals, strategies and performance metrics


Between April and June 2024, this page will provide opportunities to provide input on various parts of the framework. Below you will find a discussion board to provide feedback on a Trends and Perspectives document. The deadline to provide feedback on the vision, values, mission, goals and strategies is June 25. Please also put a pin on the Location map to let others know where feedback is coming from.

Registration and screen names

You will be required to register to provide input. The registration form will request your email address and a screen name. Email addresses will not be visible on the site. Screen names will be visible. Site administrators are able to view comments and the associated email addresses. If you do not wish to use your actual name as a screen name, please consider a description such as "child support officer in southern Minnesota."

We need your input!

Minnesota child support agencies help children get the support they deserve by working with parents, nonparent caretakers, employers, government agencies and other states. The child support program is completing a strategic framework to guide its direction from 2024 to 2027. As someone who works families receiving child services, your input can help make the framework a success:

This input opportunity page is designed for child support professionals including:

  • Tribal and county child support workers
  • Tribal and county social service administrators and board members
  • Tribal and county attorneys providing representation on child support cases
  • Child support magistrates and court staff involved in child support
  • State of Minnesota employees such as those in the Child Support Division at the Department of Human Services or supporting child support IT systems at MNIT and others who work closely with the child support program

Strategic framework

A strategic framework will provide high level direction to the Child Support program. The completed framework will include:

  • Trends affecting the program and feedback from program participants and partners.
  • Vision, mission and values statements
  • Goals, strategies and performance metrics


Between April and June 2024, this page will provide opportunities to provide input on various parts of the framework. Below you will find a discussion board to provide feedback on a Trends and Perspectives document. The deadline to provide feedback on the vision, values, mission, goals and strategies is June 25. Please also put a pin on the Location map to let others know where feedback is coming from.

Registration and screen names

You will be required to register to provide input. The registration form will request your email address and a screen name. Email addresses will not be visible on the site. Screen names will be visible. Site administrators are able to view comments and the associated email addresses. If you do not wish to use your actual name as a screen name, please consider a description such as "child support officer in southern Minnesota."

Discussions: All (2) Open (0)
  • Vision, values, mission, goals feedback

    9 months ago
    Share Vision, values, mission, goals feedback on Facebook Share Vision, values, mission, goals feedback on Twitter Share Vision, values, mission, goals feedback on Linkedin Email Vision, values, mission, goals feedback link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

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    The draft vision, values, mission, and goals below were informed by the Trends and Perspectives document, feedback received on Engage HQ, and conversations with various child support advisory groups.

    Please take a look at draft vision, values, mission, and goals statements and answer the following questions: 

    1) How well do the statements capture the future direction of the child support program?

    2) What goals need greater emphasis?  What is missing?  

    3) What other feedback do you have? 

    Please feel free to also use the thumbs up and thumbs down or reply features to indicate your perspectives on the comments of others. 


    All children in Minnesota’s child support program have the economic support they need to thrive.


    The Minnesota child support program, in collaboration with federal, Tribal and county partners, delivers an effective family-centered approach to ensuring the financial stability of children.


    • Families: We believe in supporting the well-being of entire families by intentionally working with all family members in their lives together, regardless of their familial structure.
    • Collaboration: We collaborate effectively with our partners to ensure participant and program success.
    • Equity: We work to embed and advance equity at all levels of the program.
    • Quality Experience: We aim to consistently deliver a high-quality, responsive, and empathetic experience to program participants.
    • Our People: We support, invest, and resource our staff.

    Goals and Strategies

    Goal 1: Program actively works to promote whole-family systems, reduce disparities, and produce equitable outcomes in delivery and receipt of child support services.

    • Ensure whole-family systems approaches are integrated throughout the program.
    • Improve demographic data collection to better understand programmatic disparities and create comprehensive equity goals aimed at reducing disparities in marginalized communities.
    • Enhance strong government-to-government relationships with Tribal partners to ensure children have the support they need. Provide support and technical assistance to Tribes seeking policy changes and those interested in starting their own child support programs.
    • Partner with other programs to develop new strategies to support the needs of families such as integrating employment services with child support.
    • Continue to analyze and modify enforcement mechanisms in ways that benefit the whole family.
    • Build on creative strategies to better serve vulnerable populations such as those experiencing domestic violence.
    • Work with national partners to advocate for federal performance measure changes more aligned with whole-family systems.


    Goal 2: Parents and caretakers trust the program and feel the program meets their needs.

    • Solicit continuous feedback and involvement from parents and caretakers and those serving them to ensure the program is meeting the needs of families.
    • Ensure all public facing materials and communication templates contain current information, are easy to find, and written in welcoming and plain language.
    • Ensure case workers are accessible, communicate regularly with participants, and are well-trained in customer service skills.
    • Pursue statutory changes to maximize the amount of funds that go to families.
    • Offer high quality digital tools to make the program more convenient for families and employers.


    Goal 3: Program policies and services are effectively and consistently delivered to create a positive user experience.

    • Create systems and tools to ensure consistent policy interpretation, application, and enforcement.
    • Foster intergovernmental partnership and communications, particularly between county staff and their court magistrates.
    • Continue to examine and improve program policies to better meet the needs of families.
    • Advocate for consistent funding and capacity to make ongoing technology, business, and customer service improvements.
    • Examine participant experience at all stages of the program and make changes to ensure positive and seamless experience across the program.
    • Leverage technology to make child support services more efficient and effective.
    • Use real-time data to drive program performance and decision-making.


    Goal 4: Program supports staff to do their work well and is prepared for future workforce changes.

    • Uplift and recognize positive work achievements of program staff.
    • Provide and encourage opportunities for child support professionals to support their mental health and emotional well-being.
    • Create a staff recruitment and retention plan to ensure the program can meet its future workforce needs.
    • Ensure the systems modernization and other technology efforts enable current and future staff to perform their job duties more effectively.
    • Provide ongoing opportunities for training and staff development, and ensure all staff receive baseline training on program management and expectations, customer service, whole-family systems, and diversity, equity, and inclusion.


    Replies Closed
  • Trends and perspectives input

    12 months ago
    Share Trends and perspectives input on Facebook Share Trends and perspectives input on Twitter Share Trends and perspectives input on Linkedin Email Trends and perspectives input link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

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    Over the past two years, the child support program has gathered survey data from child support participants, held focus groups and interviews with child support professionals, and reviewed national research and analysis. The Trends and Perspectives document is designed to synthesize that data and provide a foundation for the future direction of the program. 

    Please take a look at the document and use this tool to answer the following questions:

    1) How well has the document captured the important trends and perspectives on the child support program?

    2) What trends need greater emphasis?  What is missing from the document?  

    3) What other feedback do you have? 

    Please feel free to also use the thumbs up and thumbs down or reply features to indicate your perspectives on the comments of others. 

    Replies Closed
Page last updated: 26 Aug 2024, 08:12 AM