Key Dates
First CCAP Provider Management Transition Workgroup Meeting
Topic: provider and caseworker alerts
Second CCAP Provider Management Transition Workgroup Meeting
Topics: LNL background studies, provider case notes, DYCF-CCAP agency communication
Fourth CCAP Provider Management Transition Meeting
Introduce new Provider Supports Specialist, review recent communications, Provider Compliance Clauses
Early Renewal Group One
DCYF CCAP will direct select CCAP agencies to send renewal packets to approximately 50 child care providers statewide more than 60 days before the provider’s next renewal due date in MEC².
Conversion Job One
By January 28, 2025:
This conversion job aligns the renewal dates for any provider with multiple active FRA registrations to the latest active renewal date.
Early Renewal Group Two
This task requires CCAP agencies to send renewal packets to some providers before the 60-day alert in MEC². This should not increase the number of providers an agency must renew between 1/28/2025-4/28/2025 because Conversion Job One will reduce the number of providers with renewals due during this period
Conversion Job Two
By March 28, 2025:
To limit the risk of disruption to provider payments and family authorizations, DCYF will implement a conversion job to extend renewal dates of a select group of providers by 60 days. The providers impacted by this conversion job are the same group of providers impacted by Early Renewal Group Two. Any provider who completes their renewal before 3/28/2025 will not be impacted by this conversion job.